The Vagueness of the Illumina- No wait, it’s just an “About Me” post.

Oh, eek, it's the artist!Location Taken: Hurricane Ridge
Time Taken: Summer 2009

After two days of my mind-bendingly fantastic art, I am sure you are wondering who I am. Aside from someone who’s overly fond of hyperbole, of course. That one’s obvious.

My name’s Sharayah Schram, which, since there’s a very good chance you haven’t a clue how to say that, is pronounced “Sha” as in shard, “Ray” as in ray gun, and “Yah” as in “ya, I know it’s unusual”. The last name’s pronounced “Shram” rather than “Scram”, by the way. I’m the only one with this name combination in the world, which just seems appropriate given how unusual I am in general.

I am (hopefully obviously) an artist. I enjoy making a wide variety of art, from digital to photos to painting to Japanese braiding. I can’t stand oil paints, though. They make me twitch and feel oily, for whatever reason.  Most of the stuff I’ll be showing will be photos, simply because it only takes a second to create a photo as compared to the up-to-several-months my other work takes, so I’ve got more of them.

Some of this will go on the About page, by the way. I suggest you check that out, since I’ve put details on how this art blog is structured in there as well. And that will (hopefully) get updated as time goes by, while this post is set in time.

Anyways, a bit more about me! (I know, you can’t contain your excitement. Just squeal quietly, please.)

I’m currently 26, unemployed, and still living with my parents. I’ve got social phobia and some type of circadian rhythm disorder that means my sleep schedule’s set to “random”, so standard jobs are really tough on me. That’s a large part of why I’m starting this blog, since I hope to monetize it in the future. Blogs let me post at any time of the day, so no matter where my sleep schedule is, I can manage it. I’ll be setting up a buffer of posts and a set time for posting later, but for now, I’m writing this right before I post, even though it’s 5:30 in the morning (I’ve been up for hours).

I’ve got a Bachelor’s degree in Fine Art, with a minor in Geography, and I’ve read half the books in the science section at my local (very good) library, so I do believe I count as “Well-educated” and “Well-Rounded”. I’ve got a large vocabulary, and as my Mom says, I use ten-dollar words like they were a dime a dozen. I’m sure I’ll let some typos and grammar mistakes through, but that’s how such things go, and at least I won’t switch affect and effect.

I’m a bit of a recluse (but I’m not a spider). I mentioned the social phobia, but I’m also extremely introverted, naturally quiet, and generally asocial. I’m not shy, though! I managed to cure myself of that a few years ago!

I’m also asexual (and rather neutral gender-wise), which really doesn’t help with the socialization thing, since I don’t even have the possibility of canoodling to drive me to talk to people. It does let me see people as people, though, so I seem to be a pretty good judge of character. And it means I won’t really be talking about anything R-rated here. I’m even a bit pacifist (if blood-thirsty), so there will be not too much on the violence side either. I know, how boring. Don’t worry, I’m crazy enough to make up for it! Um, I mean “eccentric”. Really. Please don’t run away.(Running won’t work, anyway. Bwahaha.)

Anyway, where were we…  Ah right, more about ME! I mentioned hitting the library a lot earlier, so you’ve probably figured out that reading’s one of my favorite hobbies. I’m most fond of Science Fiction, Fantasy, and Non-Fiction, with a focus on the sciences for the non-fiction, especially the geology section.

I’m also quite fond of video games, and will probably talk quite a bit about them in the future. Yes, I am quite thoroughly a geek. And a nerd, too. And yes, I can expound at length on the difference between the two.

I enjoy cooking, learning, and browsing the internet. And, apparently, occasionally writing like a personal ad. Ah well.

Hmm… not thinking of other things to put here at the moment. I’m sure much more will come out in my future posts, so it’s not too important anyway, but this at least tells you what sort of madwoman made the art you’ve been looking at.

And since I didn’t want to leave you bereaved of art today, that’s one of the very few photos of me, taken at the top of Hurricane Ridge in the Olympic Mountains. It was foggy (well, cloudy, but we WERE at the top of the mountain, and the cloud came to visit) and quite delightful, just hanging out in a cloud in an alpine meadow. And those aren’t sunglasses: I’ve got transition lenses, which were still adjusted to the bright sunlight that was there a few minutes earlier. I know, how geeky.


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