Glory Fading into the Past

Location Taken: Savage, Maryland
Time Taken: August, 2010

I took a walk one day in August, when the summer flowers were blooming strong. I passed many a house, their yards filled with blooms. And I brought my camera with me.

This morning glory is fading, reaching the end of its time. It has done its job, bloomed strong and bright for some time. But it still must fade, and let its vine grow stronger without having to support such a display.

There is beauty in such fading.

Speaking of fading, my memory seems to have done so late Monday night. I originally posted this on Tuesday, you see, as my brain, in its infinite wisdom, was convinced that I needed to post a Close-up picture for that day. If you’ve checked out my About page, you’ll see that nope, it was a Landscape day. I realized it before the day was over and put in a new post, but still, this was the post that was up for most of the day.

Ah well, it was an overly short post anyway. And this helps me build a buffer.

My brain does odd memory tricks like that (I should write a post about how I forgot about my first job for many years), so it may happen again, alas. I should take out my brain and scrub it, except then I’d start acting brainwashed…


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