Rainbows all across the Sky

Location Taken: Black Hills, South Dakota
Time Taken: June 2010

Double rainbow!

Actually, it was a triple rainbow for a little, though the third was too faint to photograph properly, and we were driving at that time so I couldn’t exactly get a long-exposure photo that would have shown it properly.

The double rainbow, though, started while we were still at a gas station for fueling of the car and the family (they had a Subway, and it was a tasty sandwich). There was a large storm brewing to the south and the sun was coming in just right for a magnificent rainbow. It lasted a long time, too, sticking with us for about half an hour as we drove on, fading only when the sun set. The light was coming in low and red below the clouds that filled the sky above us.

The storm hit not too long after sunset, pouring down hard and heavy. We’d been planning on camping at the Badlands National Park that night, but that plan was quickly scrapped (and not at all because it was already after dark, we can set up tents in the dark – and did, this trip). We pulled off at the town of Wall, South Dakota. We tried the first hotel we came to, but enough other travelers had pulled off due to the rain that they were full up. No Vacancy signs let us deep into town to a tiny motel, and there we spent the night. At that point there was an inch of standing water on the ground, so we were quite happy we didn’t have to spend the night in a tent – or in the car.

It was a glorious storm, though. Just the sort I really like watching. Especially with the rainbows.


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