Pizza and Ice Cream for Dinner

Location Taken: Cypress Hills Provincial Park, Saskatchewan, Canada
Time Taken: June 2010

There’s something both highly cheesy and really nostalgic about the small eating places you find next to mini golf places and other such types of entertainment, and I’m not talking about their pizza. They always seem to have pizza, though. That’s what we ate there the night I took this photo, actually. It wasn’t our meal of choice, but then, we had little choice. We’d gotten into the park rather late, and this tiny place was the only place still open. The light was strong, but still, it was 9 at night. Even the mini golf place was closed. Which was a bit sad, since I like mini golf. Even if I’m rather iffy on putting, which is most of what mini golf is about. I’m quite good at missing the hole, and experienced at having the ball skip right over the hole.

This place also served ice cream, which is also standard for such places. Pizza, ice cream, and french fries. We didn’t have the ice cream, though, nor the french fries.

Best ice cream place I’ve been to is in Frankfort, MI, not far from my grandparent’s place. The Dairy Maid, a small ice cream shack only open during the summer tourist season. It’s the only place I’ve been able to get Blue Moon softserve ice cream dipped in a cherry shell. It’s marvelous. I love local food. Though I do suspect you have to grow up with some local foods to like them. Pickled bologna is not for everyone, after all. Means more for me, though, so all is good.


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