Going out with Blazing Colors – Wait, can you call it blazing if they’re this wet?

Location Taken: Savage, Maryland
Time Taken: August 2010

Sometimes fascinating compositions come to you completely unexpected.

I went out for a photography walk, heading down to the local river to take pictures of it. There had been heavy rains the day before, and I had seen earlier that the water was quite high and flowing fast. But the rains had brought more interesting things than just brown water in the streams.

I hadn’t even known there was an apple tree upstream of this storm grate. It’s right by an alleyway that becomes a bit of a river when it rains, pulling from a fairly large, mostly wooded section. Still, there they were, several apples, sitting there nice as could be. Well, nice might not be the best term, since they were pretty rotted, but you know what I mean.

Even as rotted as they were, the apples still bore their bright colors proudly. And surrounded by the grays and browns of the grate and all the leaves and bark and sticks that had caught up it it, it was quite a sight to see.

I suspect these apples got nibbled on by the birds until they were small enough to fall into the grate. At least, they weren’t there the next time I went by. There’s something very appealing about thinking of these apples, even though they were on their last hurrah, doing their job proudly, feeding animals and maybe, just maybe, getting a seed to a place where it could grow.

I might have to look for the apple trees some time in the future.


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