Would anyone believe me if I tried to claim it was “Impressionistic”?

Location Taken: North Bay, Ontario
Time Taken: June 2010

I tried so hard to get this photo. I must have taken at least twenty shots, adjusting every setting I could. And it still came out blurry.

It’s times like this when I really get to know the limitations of my camera. It really can’t handle night shots too well, even if it has an utterly gorgeous sunset fading in the distance. Any time I try, it gets blurry. Admittedly, it might help if I used a tripod and set it to a very long exposure instead of trying to stabilize it as best I can against whatever is available. Tripods are far more difficult to lug around, though, and I tend to prefer spur-of-the-moment photography.

And carrying the tripod would defeat one of the purposes I bought my specific camera for. Which is portablility. I wanted a camera with as many features as I could that was still small and light enough to carry around in my purse all the time.

Mind you, I don’t carry it all the time. It still takes up space, after all. And it would be nice if my lens cap hadn’t broken. At one point it got caught wrong in my purse and broke open. As far as I can tell I’ve put it back together correctly, but now it doesn’t have quite enough tension to stay on the camera properly. I’ve currently got a shading ring on the front of the camera to protect the lens, but I do have to clean dust off the lens more often and the ring itself adds bulk to the camera. It is by no means an ideal solution.

Still, for what it is, I have a rather good camera. Even if it can’t handle low-light conditions.


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