The Poetry of Sunsets, and the Lack of my Poetry

Location Taken: Columbia, Maryland
Time Taken: August 2010

Pretty sunset, isn’t it?

Do you know how tough it is to find unique things to say about a sunset? It’s a very well-covered topic. Literature and especially poetry have been covering the topic for millenia, after all. Just about all the beautiful things that can be said about it have been said. Hmm… What does that leave me…

It’s a sun. The planet’s rotated so that said sun is shortly going to be eclipsed by the planet itself so that the light is no longer visible where the viewer is standing. There’s a lake. It is showing the reflection of said sun very well. There are trees. They appear black because there is enough of a disparity between the light on them and the light from the sun that the faint light on them is out of the light level our human eyes adjust to when looking at the sunset.

Yeah, not really poetic, is it?


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