Ubiquitous Unavailability

Time Created: December 2006

I am finding it odd how both prevalent and non-existent the internet has gotten. I haven’t gotten on the internet for five days or so, and that was three days after the time before that. And yet, I almost had the option every night.

Just about every place I’ve spent the night on this road trip I’m on has internet available. Now if only it worked. Every single place, the connection kept dropping, or being so faint I couldn’t really use it, or claimed it connected but refused to give me the sweet taste of internet.

Still, it was impressive how many places I had the possibility of internet. Did you know that a lot of the National Parks in Canada (or at least extreme eastern Canada) have internet available in at least one of the campgrounds. There I was, sitting in a tent in what could easily be called the middle of nowhere, trying to connect to the world. In ten years or less, those connections will be stable, and I really will be able to update this anywhere I want, rather than having to upload a batch of five or six at a time in the rare times the internet is stable enough to connect to. Which, frankly, will be awesome.

Even now, it’s pretty impressive if you really think about it. I mean, I’m writing this on a 14-hour ferry ride from Newfoundland to Nova Scotia, miles from land, and I’ve got a connection. Well, at least a full five bars of signal. It’s connected, but not to the internet. Wish I knew why. The days where sailors would leave home and not be heard of from years just because they couldn’t make it home in that time. Now, they can get access pretty solidly, keeping up with the events at home just fine. Well, at least if they invest the money on the mobile internet system.

The internet really is an impressive invention, isn’t it. Now if only it was a little more ubiquitous…


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