Winter’s Fallen Guardians of the Dunes

Location Taken: Arcadia, Michigan
Time Taken: January 2011

The wind blows hard on the frozen beach.

It blows towards land while the sun shines, bringing the ice piling up onto the beach and scattering the snow into the trees.

It blows towards the water at night, dragging the snow back again.

This daily cycle shifts the sands and the things on it. The grasses keep the dunes in place, except for the places man has worn paths through the grass.

The fences keep the sand in place where man feels bad about the daily shifting.

Very little keeps the fences in place. They are driven deep into the sand, but sand is not an ideal foundation.

The winds pull and push the sand around, and the fences go with it.

In the summer, when the swimmers come to enjoy the beach, they get picked up again quickly.

In the winter, only the odd folk visit, for there is no swimming in icy waters.

The fences are fallen, waiting for summer to come and people to shift them once again to their former position.

They will wait a long time.


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