Last neuron reporting for duty, si- *bang!* So much for that…

Location Taken: Savage, Maryland
Time Taken: April 2010


Fuzzy violets!

As fuzzy as my brain!

Brain no work too well. Brain take vacation, avoid heat. Too bad body can’t come on vacation too. Body has to stay and updated blog. Is challenging without brain.

Violets pretty. They in pretty landscaping in place near here. Lots of mulch. Mulch is great stuff. Toss dead tree on ground! Scares weeds so they don’t grow!

Other plants visible too. They are magenta-colored! Can’t tell much else. So sad.

Brain declares post done. Body confused, thought brain wasn’t close enough to talk things to write-blog-thing. Bye bye!



Last neuron reporting for duty, si- *bang!* So much for that… — 2 Comments

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