Yes, I do know dragonflies don’t look quite like that.

Time Painted: August 2012

This is yet another experimental piece.

For this one, I started with the colors, creating vague shapes somewhat in the form I wanted. I didn’t really have a plan when I started, I just went with what felt right. Then, once that dried, I went back in with black ink. Using a fine-tipped brush, I outlined and shaded and turned the vague shapes into firm ones.

I think I like how it turned out. It was fairly simple to make, too.

Though it still doesn’t quite feel “right”.

A large part of why I’m constantly doing experimental pieces is that I have a feeling there is a “right” style of art out there for me. One where I’m not fighting against any element of the creation process, one where inspiration flows smoothly from head to paper.

I’m not there yet.

I’m getting the physical side down. I work fairly easily with the materials I’ve chosen. But the mental side, well…

It’s tough translating ideas from head to hand, and even tougher getting them to come out like you want.

Still, I do like this piece.


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