Location Taken: Northwestern Vermont
Time Taken: July 2012
I’ve only been to Vermont once. And I’ve never set foot there, either. We just drove through it.
I still managed to get some nice photos. We went on a lot of back roads, so our speed was slow enough to keep the foreground blur down.
And we saw some really pretty mountains along the way. Especially the one we drove over. It was a narrow winding road with a steep slope. Half of it was unpaved – the top half. And there were raised bars on both sides of the mountain with signs saying “Road closed when bars lowered”. It must get very snowy during the winter.
Admittedly, we saw signs of that all along the way. Mind you, we didn’t see any snow or anything of that ilk. But we passed river after stream after creek, all much larger than the water flowing through them would normally carve. All of them were highly rocky as well, and the larger one had rocks larger than cars peppering their banks.
When Spring thaw hits, those streams must be full and overflowing. It actually doesn’t take too much to float a rock. You just have to have strong enough pressure from the flow of the water to move it, spread over a large enough area of the rock. Still, to move car-sized rocks requires a very large amount of water just to get the surface area requirement.
All of Vermont is, well, as bumpy as this photo. And no, I didn’t get the horizon line tilted. That’s actually a natural tilt. Well, at least half of it is. Or maybe a quarter… It’s tough to get photos taken in a moving car perfect, you know…