Watching the world go by is more of an old folk thing. Guess I really am old at heart…

Location Taken: Gros Morne National Park, Newfoundland, Canada
Time Taken: July 2012

It’s nice to stop, sit, and just watch the grass wave in the wind every so often.

Modern life seems addicted to constant motion. You hear so many people whining about being bored if they have just five minutes without something to do. Although, these days, they’d have pulled out their phones four minutes before that, since constant connection is another modern addiction.

I saw some of that on this trip. We didn’t have much internet connection, something about camping our way across the largely empty island of Newfoundland. Every time we came across some place with even a hint of internet, one or another of my fellow travelers pulled out some device and tried to connect. If we had a meal at a place with a hotspot, there would be three people staring at their gadgets and me, sitting there reading a book.

I can unplug easily. I don’t need to be constantly connected. Neither my introversion nor my social phobia would be able to stand it. And I’m both patient and not bored easily. I will quite happily sit and watch the world go by.

For those despairing about the state of the world and the way we’ve forgotten how to stay still, don’t despair too much. There will always be oddballs like me who buck the trend, who are quite happy to just watch the grass for a bit.


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