Reflecting on Blueness

Location Taken: Benzie County, Michigan
Time Taken: June 2012

Nothing special today. Just a pretty cluster of leaves over a river.

Well, I did have to fiddle with this one in Photoshop. This one was like this older piece, where I’d accidentally had it in the Cool Light setting.

This time I fiddled with the color in other ways, since the Auto Color turned it purple. It’s tough to explain what I did, since I only half-understand it myself. I used the Levels feature, which lets me adjust how much of the various tones of the color come through. I usually use it to clean up scans of drawings, since it lets me easily lighten the background to white and darken the lines to black at the same time. This time, I switched it to only adjust the blue tones and fiddled around some with that.

It’s still not perfect. I’m not sure if those blue tones on the leaves in shadow are a remnant or actually what was there. The weather that day was clear and the blue sky was quite brilliant. And those leaves are shiny, and the blue is all on the parts of the leaves facing the sky, but still, that is a strong blue…

Ah well, at least it’s not blue. Or purple, for that matter.


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