Events just keep on spiraling away, like a fractal…

Time Created: August 2012

I’ve just had my first weekend of the Renn Fest, which always wipes me out physically and mentally.

This included going home early yesterday, because it started raining really heavy and was at it an hour later when my bosses decided that they weren’t likely to send out the cart-based vendors and the walkers (I’m cart) again later that day, even if it stopped raining that second, and they might as well send us home.

I skidded some in the muddy tracks left in the grass parking lot by cars that had left earlier. I hadn’t known that that car had a little light warning you when you were hydroplaning! At least that only lasted to the other side of the mud puddle.

Dad wasn’t so lucky, and he’d lost traction in the rain on an exit ramp on the way to church, spun out, and ended up with the minivan on its side balancing on the curb. He’s fine, but the van’s totaled.

I’ve been running around doing things related to the broken car, driving around a noticeable chunk of the state, plus a few other errands. Including looking at cars at a dealer, trying to decide if we want to keep with a minivan or go for a different type.

At the very least, it needs to comfortably fit two medium-sized dogs, three people, and all our stuff for the regular trips we take. Our second car (currently our only car) can only manage two people and two dogs. And it’d be more likely for them to leave me behind than the dogs.

All that run-around in the hot, sunny weather meant I got an overdose of sunlight.

My brain has melted.

Enjoy the art.

That’s all.


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