Just a Dash of Snow, on the Giant Pile of Logs

Location Taken: Arcadia, Michigan
Time Taken: January 2011

My grandparents have a wood-burning stove to help keep the house warm. It’s quite effective and with the large woods they own, rather cheap to keep fueled. Of course, this means they have to have a large wood pile.

It’s actually twice the size it looks here. I took this photo right by it, after all. They only need a few logs a day, so this will last them all winter.

I actually find the wood stove more effective than the gas-burning furnace in my house. A bit too effective in some places. My long-held sleeping spot while visiting the grandparents was right by the chimney and it was often a bit too hot for me at night, even when it was snowing outside.

I do love the combination of snow and wood here. It’s downright pleasant.


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