As the day slips away, Beauty comes out to play…

Location Taken: Trout River, Newfoundland
Time Taken: July 2012

I’m feeling uninspired from a lack of sleep, a host of aches from work, and from helping get my Mom and sister on the road to Seattle this morning. Won’t see either of them again for over a month.

So time to pull out the sunset pictures! They’re pretty, but tough to talk about!

Newfoundland has long sunsets. A lot of it’s just from how north it is, with the sun at a lower angle in the sky all the time. But the bands of clouds that are a frequent feature above the island just lengthen them more, dimming the light nicely.

And still, every so often, the sun does manage to peek out of the clouds for those beautiful shots right above the horizon. Add in a lovely ocean, a few dramatic rocks, and a beach, and you have a beautiful composition.

Heck, the only reason I didn’t put this one in my “best category” is that I got two other photos of this sunset that are even better than this one!


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