A Delicate Pink Flower Bud – Hmm, yeah, it’s pretty, I guess.

Location Taken: Frankfort, Michigan
Time Taken: May 2008

I don’t know what this flower is. I took this photo four years ago at a garden shop, and I didn’t check the tag. But it is very lovely.

I find it odd that I put so many flower photos up here. You see, I’m not actually that fond of flowers. For my plant needs, I stick to trees and leafy plants. They’re beautiful for much longer, and in a much more subtle way than the brilliant display of a bloom. If I had a garden of my own (rather than just a couple potted plants), the only flowers I’d put in there would be on vegetables and fruits.

On a side note, potato flowers are rather lovely.

Still, flowers are really good for photography. And for other forms of art, for that matter. The folds of the petals bring in contrast and lines, and the colors tend to be quite dramatic and often varied. I draw and paint and photograph flowers far more often than any other subject.

But that still doesn’t mean I like flowers, just that I recognize their beauty.

Heck, when I got given a rose at the Renn Fest, I wasn’t at all interested in the rose itself. I tried turning down the rose seller when she insisted that I take it, it was paid for already and everything, and only accepted it after three or four refusals. And then I sketched it, in pencil. And then took it home and gave it to my Mom. I’d gotten all I’d wanted out of it; a chance at creating some more art.

And my Mom does like flowers, and she did enjoy the rose, far more than I did.

Though we both agree that live potted plants are better than cut flowers.


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