Walking on the Park Trail

Location Taken: Savage, Maryland
Time Taken: August 2010

There’s a lovely path that runs along the river in the park near my house.

Well, runs along isn’t quite the right word. It’s halfway up the hill, after all, and it’s a bit of a climb down to the water. Especially in the areas below the waterfall, since while the water level drops, the path stays at about the same level. One end of the path is at the main bridge crossing over the river, which is why it’s up so high.

I go walking on the path every so often, bringing either a dog or a camera with me. This day was obviously a camera day.

I can’t walk the dog and take photos at the same time. Both of our dogs seem convinced that if they don’t pull on the leash as hard as they can, the world will end. Or worse, we’ll never walk them again. It’s not exactly conductive to carefully lining up a perfect shot.

I’ve never walked to the end of this path. I’ve always turned around partway. It’s less than a mile long, but it gets narrower the further away from the main entrance you go, it’s on the wrong side of the river for me to just loop around, and it ends in a gated suburb anyway, rather than connecting back to anywhere I go.

I used to use it when walking to the library, since while there is a sidewalk on the road to there, it’s all in the sun, while the path is nicely shaded. But that required taking a small side path that lead into a trailer park by the library, and I don’t think that path’s there any more. The trailer park certainly is. The county moved out all the residents, then, after ten or so years of the lot being vacant, it got developed into townhouses. Expensive townhouses that look like all the other townhouses that have been built all over this area in the last ten years.

I think I preferred the trailer park. At least that was affordable to live in.


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