Two Fluffbutts, in Too Small a Space for their Fluffy Butts.

Location Taken: The Car (somewhere in Michigan)
Time Taken: June 2012

Nothing special today, just a blurry photo of my dogs being the silly fluffbutts they are.

In case you can’t tell, that’s both of them crammed onto one seat. There’s space for them to sit elsewhere, but no, they both want that seat. So Revel (the black one) gets shoved into a corner while Kerowyn (the not-black one) claims the front of the seat.

They both do quite well in cars, which is a good thing. We’ve had a dog in the past who hated them, and needed constant petting to keep calm. And another who got carsick on rural roads. She threw up on a specific blanket of my sister’s on at least two separate occasions…

Revel loves cars. Riding in them, watching them go by, chasing them, you name it. At least we’ve trained him out of chasing every car that goes by, though if a big enough vehicle goes by, all bets are off. He’s cornered a snow plow and gotten onto a UPS truck in the past. But put him in a car and he’s the happiest dog ever.

Kerowyn’s not as fond of cars, and tends to just settle herself down in a corner and go to sleep. In our old van, her favorite spot was under the bench seat in the middle. She’d tuck herself right under there and all you’d see was the tip of her tail. In this car, she can’t do that. Modern car design calls for foldable seats rather than removable ones, which means they’re connected to the car itself and don’t have any space for puppies below them.

Which leads to odd cases like this. There’s space for Kerowyn in the footspace, and she usually takes that, but every so often she goes “Seat, mine.” and gets right up on it, not caring one bit that it’s already claimed.

I love my silly pups. They make me laugh.


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