Rockin’ it Old School – or should that be “Blowin’ it up”

Time Drawn: Freshman Year of High School? (early 2000’s)

I was doing some cleaning the other day with my family and we ran across a stack of old sketchbooks.

If you’ve ever filled a sketchbook with your drawings, you know how tough it is to throw it out later, even if the art inside is rather poor.

I mean, this one was about 90% Slayers fanart, the one and only series I’ve fangirled about. (It’s an awesome anime, so it was a decent one for that standard teenage girl obsessive stage, but still…) At least all that fanart (and fanfiction) I made helped push me past some of the barriers of art.

This was near the end of the sketchbook. It has nothing to do with Slayers (though those explosions are definitely in the style of Slayers), though at this point, I certainly don’t recall what my thought process was for the piece. It’s been over a decade, after all!

Still, it holds up on its own, even if you just have to take one look at the hands and feet and know it was drawn by a novice.

And it is fun to look back and see how far you’ve come every so often. It helps put things in perspective. It’s very easy to get disappointed with your art when you look at the top tier artworks then stare at the piece you’re working on that just isn’t coming out like you hoped. It’s tough being in the middle, far better than the average person who can’t draw stick figures, far worse than the people whose art inspired you to go into the field.

Ah well, only one way to get better, make more art.


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