Creepsy Cares!

Time Created: March 2012


Sometimes I just don’t understand my brain. It comes up with WEIRD stuff.

Like Creepsy, the Happy Creeper, who really cares about education.

I can see some of the inspiration trails that lead to me making this in the wee hours of the morning.

I mean, there’s the obvious one. Creepers are a Minecraft monster that moves very quietly, creeping up on you until it’s quite close, then “ssssssBoom!”, it explodes. That might kill you, or it might not, but the real terror of the Creeper is that it doesn’t just damage you. It can actually destroy blocks, and if they happened to be, say, the side of your house that was all that was keeping the other monsters out, well, that’s just too bad.

They also have a decided frown in their in-game texture. Their face might just be an 8×8 pixel square, but that’s solidly a frown.

So that’s two elements. The “sssss” sound they make before blowing up, and the frown.

Now reverse them.  The frown is a smile, the “sssss” is positive.

And add a dash of 80’s style blatant public service announcement. I may not remember the 80’s, but stuff like Mr. T’s “stay in school” messages or “just say no to drugs” filtered through the culture enough for me to pick up on.

Now mix with a touch of anime-style imagery.

Try not to go mad.


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