Deep Green Pool of Blessed Warmth

Location Taken: Thermopolis, Wyoming
Time Taken: June 2010

Continuing from yesterday’s post, here’s the mother spring at Thermopolis. There’s a large set of natural travertine terraces nearby, a natural set of pools and gentle waterfalls. There’s also a bunch of human-built pools and spas, but all that water is fed from this small green pool and the water source feeding it.

This pool is rather hot, 135 degrees. But the pipes and pools all cool it down some in the transit. The hotel spa I relaxed in the other day was a nicely pleasant 102 degrees. Just the right temperature range to soak away sore muscles without boiling yourself.

Natural hot springs all seem to have beautiful colors. The combination of heat and minerals and all brings a rich blue color to any water deeper than a foot or so, with varying colors along the edge. Here, it’s more of a yellowish color, which also tints the center color to that lovely blue-green.

I wouldn’t recommend just jumping into any steaming pool you find. A lot of them are solidly in boiling temperatures. But if you do find a well-established hot springs-fed pool or spa, go for it. Your muscles will thank you.


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