HOLE!! *giggle*

Location Taken: Valparaiso, Indiana
Time Taken: March 2007

I’m oddly fascinated with construction sites. It’s my engineer blood, I’m sure (both of my grandfathers were engineers, one civil, one mechanical). Oh, and my geologist tendencies just add in to the pile. Where other people see ugly messes, I see places where the dirt is revealed and the power of water made clear. (By that, I mean the erosion patterns that pop up in the bare loose dirt whenever it rains are really nifty).

I also see somewhat funny signs. Like this one, which says “HOLE”.

Gee, go figure?

I suppose it’s not TOO obvious, since they’ve capped the pipe, but it’s also in a pretty noticeable dip in the ground as well. Especially when you add in the water still filling in the bottom in the hole.

And I’m sure they chose bright green so it’d be noticeable for, say, backhoe drivers thinking of backing up over the area, but really, basic black would have been a better choice. The green’s too close in value to the color of the wood, so it just blends right in. Ah well, it’s a common mistake. A lot of people see a bright colored paint and say “hey, that will show up really well!” and then mess it all up by putting it on the paper color they chose.

Still, “HOLE”. So oddly amusing…


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