A Fleeting View of a Fjord

Location Taken: Gros Morne National Park, Newfoundland, Canada
Time Taken: July 2012

Every so often, you just see a scene out of the side of your eye that catches and holds your imagination. All too often, this is while you’re doing something that quickly removes you from seeing that perfect angle. In this case, it was a rise on the way to our campsite by Trout River Pond in the southern part of the park that just opened up a beautiful view of the pond itself.

We couldn’t stop, since there was a car coming up behind us, but it was far enough away that we could slow down some. So there’s a little blur in the trees in front, but not that much. And oh, the view!

Trout River Pond is actually a fjord. Well, I’m not sure if this part is. But the larger bulk of it, between those steep cliffs in the background, that part certainly is a fjord. Steep cliffs and the U-shaped valley are key signs of a glacier-carved valley, and the water filling the bottom makes it a fjord. I’m mostly telling you this because fjord is an awesome word to type. Fjord fjord fjord.


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