The Littlest Horses, not Ponies, Horses.

Location Taken: Parrsboro, Nova Scotia, Canada
Time Taken: July 2012

One of the joys of travel is the unexpected. The unusual things and events that you just happen across while passing through an area. Mind you, one of the horrors of travel is also the unexpected, so take that with a grain of salt.

In this case, it was horses. Miniature horses.

We were taking a side road through some of the back-country of Nova Scotia, both to see the Bay of Fundy better and to avoid a toll road. It was a lovely drive, through hilly but cultivated lands, with the occasional town. One of those towns was Parrsboro, and that day they were hosting a Miniature Horse Show, put on by the Miniature Horse Association of Nova Scotia.

So we stopped on the side of the road and watched for a minute or five. It seemed to mostly be little horses hooked up to little wagons being driven around a dirt field. Really. I found an eight minute long video of this particular event. I think there was a judge, too.

I don’t really get the appeal, though the horses were certainly adorable. But then, unlike most girls, I never had a horse-crazy stage of my life. To me, they’re nifty and historically important, but not something I obsess over in the least. I’ve never even particularly wanted to learn to ride, and that’s even growing up in an area where it’s pretty easy to find inexpensive riding lessons (Maryland is solidly horse country.)

Of course, I’ve never understood the appeal of dog shows either, and I DID have a dog-crazy phase. I guess it’s more the “show off the pretty animal” thing I don’t get.

Still, there’s always something solidly adorable about a small version of a critter. So I guess looking at the adorable things isn’t all bad…


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