Location Taken: Savage, Maryland Time Taken: April 2010 I don’t really have much I want to say today. It’s a lazy sort of day, and I think I shall take a nap after writing this. So have a lovely picture … Continue reading
Monthly Archives: November 2012
Location Taken: Ruby Beach, Washington Time Taken: June 2008 I had a simple task a few days ago. Well, I’m not sure task is the right word for it. I wanted to play Guild Wars 2. My sister and her … Continue reading
Location Taken: Washington state Time Taken: June 2008 Sometimes it’s really tough to take pictures of really small things. Other times, it’s the big things that get you. This is a big thing. Not that you can easily tell. There’s … Continue reading
Location Taken: Savage, Maryland Time Taken: April 2010 My mom’s garden is full of daffodils. Every spring, hordes of thin spiky leaves work their way through the last of the winter snow, growing into a sea of green with the … Continue reading
Location Taken: on the road in New York Time Taken: January 2011 One of the things you never think about when planning a road trip is how exhausting day after day of driving will be. I mean, it’s just sitting … Continue reading