Location Taken: Olympic National Park, Washington Time Taken: June 2008 Most times, civil engineers try to route roads along the edge of mountains. Every so often, even these masters of the craft of finding the least hint of flat land … Continue reading
Monthly Archives: November 2012
Location Taken: St. John’s, Newfoundland Time Taken: July 2012 Next stop, Ireland! The ocean is a mind-boggling thing. It’s very easy to forget that the water stretching to the horizon continues for hundreds or thousands of miles beyond that line. … Continue reading
Location Taken: Thermopolis, Wyoming Time Taken: June 2010 Continuing from yesterday’s post, here’s the mother spring at Thermopolis. There’s a large set of natural travertine terraces nearby, a natural set of pools and gentle waterfalls. There’s also a bunch of … Continue reading
Location Taken: Thermopolis, Wyoming Time Taken: June 2010 I’m zoning out as I write this, so I have no idea if this post will even make sense. It’s the hot springs’ fault. At the second, I’m in Thermopolis, Wyoming, home … Continue reading
Location Taken: Hagerstown, Maryland Time Taken: June 2012 Ah, such a lovely photo, fabulous colors, hint of silhouetted trees, two moons… I wish my camera could handle low-light conditions better. It’s a good camera overall, but it has severe limitations … Continue reading