Big Sky and Big Land

Location Taken: Western Montana
Time Taken: October 2012

I’ve long heard of Montana being called “Big Sky Country”. I mean, it’s in all their tourism campaigns. Still, I’d always assumed that referred only to the non-mountainous eastern section, which do make up the majority of the state.

This was largely based on my previous encounters with mountains. I mean, you go through the Rockies in Canada or Colorado, and as soon as you enter them, the sky shrinks. By which I mean the clouds get less impressive, and the landscape more impressive, so you pay much less attention to the sky than you do in the flat plains.

This is not the case in Montana.

Even surrounded by magnificent mountains, the sky loomed large overhead. Together, they made the scenery feel impressively large, as neither element diminished the immensity of the other.

So if you ever want to see a Big Sky, go to Montana. Any part will do just fine.


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