Archive these under P for Pansies

Location Taken: Right outside the National Archives, Washington DC
Time Taken: November 2008

Sometimes I wonder what people think of me as I go about my photo-taking.

I mean, this is a lovely photo of some lovely pansies. They’ve got fantastic color to them, don’t they? Especially for when I took this photo, in early November. It was a warm fall that year, so the flowers were doing just fine.

And this wasn’t just any garden. It was the fancy landscaping right outside the National Archives, one of the museums in Washington DC. For all I know, these flowers look this good because they dig out and replace any that aren’t up to snuff.

Still, in order to get this photo, I needed to get close to my subject. Which means kneeling or sitting on the ground in this case. So there I am, sitting on the ground right next to a major museum, bent over even more, taking photos of the landscaping. Now, the camera along makes it socially acceptable (perhaps because photographers are crazy and get aggressive if you try to stop them from taking the photo they want). But still, if you saw someone sitting on the sidewalk staring at a flower, you’d probably think they were a little bonkers.

And I am a little bonkers, I’ll not deny it. But I’m not the dangerous bonkers, just the type who actually pays attention to the world around me and then does weird things with it. Like take photos of pansies in November.


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