You Know, this Reminds me of some Sunsets in Minecraft… Ok, not really…

Photo #295: Yet Another SunsetLocation Taken: Columbia, Maryland
Time Taken: August 2010

I’m running busy today (*cough* Minecraft *cough*), so I shall keep this simple.

This is a lovely sunset photo.  You probably noticed, but I’m keeping it simple.

I’ve posted a few photos of this particular sunset before, but I’m too busy (*cough* Want to get back to Minecraft *cough*) to hunt them up and link them.

It was a particularly nice one, with excellent colors.  You can also see some interesting lines across the lake, the lines used for the dredging operation that was going on at that lake at the time. (*cough* That reminds me, must figure out why the ocean in my Minecraft world has decided to evaporate in certain parts *cough*)

Anyway, That’s all for now, I should really wrap this up (*cough* Finish the oil refinery system I was building *cough*)

And maybe I should get something for this persistent cough. (*cough* More Minecraft *cough*)


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