The (currently) Rainbowless Rainbow Falls

Photo #305: Rainbow FallsLocation Taken: Rainbow Falls Provincial Park, Ontario
Time Taken: June 2010

I took this at Rainbow Falls Provincial Park, which, as you may expect, has a fantastic waterfall.

Well, more like series of waterfalls. Each individual waterfall, like this one, really didn’t fall that far. But there was at least a dozen of them just in the stretch that had a well-made boardwalk stairs for casual visitors to go down. And the waterfalls kept going down past the end of the boardwalk, falling the considerable vertical distance down to Lake Superior.

I can’t verify the Rainbow aspect of the falls, though. It was quite rainy when we visited, which is why we stuck to the boardwalk and didn’t explore the trail going further downhill. Alas, the skies were solid gray, without even the tiniest of breaks to let a sunbeam through to create a rainbow.

Just look at the water vapor by the falls, though. There’s plenty of it there, and it must catch the light magnificently. There probably are rainbows in the falls every time the sun gets past the clouds and the trees.


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