If a half-ton wild animal gives you The Look…

Photo #306: Elk LookLocation Taken: Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming
Time Taken: October 2012

Look at this elk, being an elk.  All “yup, I’m here to wander through your campground and eat some dry grass, yup.”

Such interesting critters, elk.  I’m more used to deer, which are a bit smaller.  Just as bold, though.

This is an elk that won’t take any gruff from anyone trying to say “Hey, there’s rules about humans getting too close to elk, stop walking straight at me!” or “That’s my campsite you’re eating grass out of!  I need to use that space to pack up for the day!”

This elk will just look at the person exclaiming such things (or holding a camera), toss them a look, and continue on its merry elk way.


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