Have you ever been too tired to sleep?

Photo #315: Yellowstone SunsetLocation Taken: Yellowstone National Park
Time Taken: October 2012

Bleh. I hate having a broken Circadian rhythm sometimes.

I get stuck in these really awkward sleep patterns sometimes, usually because I’ve got something that I must be awake for that interferes with the normal shifting of which time I need to sleep.

Bah, “normal”, like occasionally being naturally nocturnal and other times fully diurnal and all the variations in between is anywhere near normal.

I’m currently stuck on one of the most awkward patterns I can fall into, a non-24-hour two-nap cycle. Aka I’m getting sleepy twice a day (but fully waking up before I get a full 8 hours of sleep), but which times of day I’m asleep are shifting around.

Which, alas, means I’m running tired. I always feel a bit groggy for an hour after I wake up, and I have trouble falling asleep unless I’m tired enough, which means being tired for at least an hour or two. And, alas, if I’m in a two-nap cycle, the fact that I’m sleeping twice a day just means I’ve got those two hours of sleepiness doubled each day.

Add in that I’m trying to do one of the few ways I’ve found to shift myself out of this cycle, which is staying up long past that point when I’m sleepy enough to actually sleep. I don’t do anything productive during those hours because my brain has already shut down, and it only works about 30% of the time. I did that today, and still woke up at an awkward time, partly because I knew I still needed to write today’s post.

So here, have a sunset photo, I’m going back to bed and trying to get more sleep. We’ll see if it works.


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