I ever tell you ’bout this dame I knew called Lenore?

Photo #320: Yellowstone RavenLocation Taken: Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming
Time Taken: October 2012

What are you looking at, buster? I’m a bird, deal with it.

So, ya going ta feed me now?

Well, get on with it!

Life’s been tough lately, ya know. All the gullible tourists who feed us despite the signs saying not to are gone, and it’s getting tougher to find tasty things under all this white stuff on the ground. So you gotta make up for that lack, buster. Get on it!

I mean, you pulled off on the side of the road, right in my turf. You gotta pay the price!

Yeah, that’s a mountain side roaring away and spitting steam right where you pulled off. It’s Yellowstone land here, buster, it happens! Feeding fine ravens like me is far more important!

Not listening, huh. What are you, some kinda strange tourist who actually reads the warnings on the brochure they hand you at the front gate?

Yeah, I know about the brochure. People drop them all the time, and I’ve read them.

Yeah, I can read, what’s it to ya?

Gotta do something during the summer months, aside from occasionally hitting up tourists for more food. So I read all the junk they leave around. No big deal.

What’s that flapping noise, ya say?

Just my buddy landing on the other side of your car. We’ve got you surrounded now.

Better get on that food thing asap, buster.


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