A Delicate Rain of Petals -wait, magnolia petals are huge, not delicate!

Photo #326: Falling MagnoliaLocation Taken: Savage, Maryland
Time Taken: April 2010

Well, the weather has turned nice and sunny and warm and the first flowers in Mom’s garden are blooming, so let’s go for a Spring picture!

Ok, ok, it’s the snowdrops that are blooming. Like the name implies, they bloom during the winter. But still…

There are some lovely magnolia trees in the old parts of town. And every Spring, they put on quite the display, all covered in white and pink and raining down petals with every harsh wind.

Which does make them a bit irritating to pick up after, I’d say. Between the magnolias in Spring, the mulberries in Summer, and the leaves in Fall, we’ve always got something falling somewhere. Almost seems like Winter is an exception, except we do get snow.

Well, occasionally. We didn’t get any last year, and while we’ve gotten some this year, we still haven’t even come close to breaking out the shovels.

Maybe we’ll get lucky and the snow predicted for Friday will be heavy. Wait, only a 40% chance of it even happening AND a predicted low of only 30 degrees Fahrenheit? Yeah, that’s not going to do anything significant…

Guess I’ll have to keep hoping for a freak blizzard.


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