Snow, snow, come again, come and stay every day!

Photo #347: Snowy DaysLocation Taken: Arcadia, Michigan
Time Taken: January 2011

We’re supposed to be hit by a major snowstorm tonight. It’s a big deal and all, what with it being March. They’re predicting 4-8 inches of snow and rain, starting perhaps at 6 pm.

Hmm, it’s 10 pm now. Let me check outside…

Nope, no snow. Doesn’t look like it’s rained either. And I didn’t feel any rain when I stuck my arm out the window.

The weather app that came with Windows 8 is saying 90% chance of snow right now. Right. At least the Weather Channel has more up-to-date forecasts, saying only 20%. And there is a band of rain hanging out just south of here. It just hasn’t moved north yet. It’s supposed to do so in a couple hours, with the 100% rate hitting at 4 in the morning.

Perhaps I shall wake up tomorrow to find a glorious blanket of snow (which if the predictions are correct, is more total snow than we’ve seen in the entirety of the last two winters combined…).

But for now I shall just go through my snowy pictures and dream of whiter, colder times.


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