So, on the Scale of Weak Tea to Florida, how Orange are these Pansies?

Photo #348: Orange PansiesLocation Taken: Savage Mill, Savage, Maryland
Time Taken: April 2012

I think I’m getting better at manipulating the colors of photos in GIMP. It’s been a bit odd not using Photoshop at all, but I’m getting the hang of it.

And I think I’ve smoothed out the results of accidentally taking this photo in “cool” mode, which originally made it far too blue in tone.

It’s such a dynamic photo already, with the brilliant orange of these pansies, it was a shame to have the orange washed out from the blue overlay.

So even while I’m still running under the weather from the stomach bug and saddened by the lack of whiteness out my window (the snow turned to rain mid-day and melted what had fallen), I decided I needed to fix this photo as soon as I spotted it.

And it is such a beautiful flower. Well, photo of a flower, the flower itself did its job and faded away nearly a year ago. Always important to keep things like that straight, especially when your brain is already having trouble keeping things straight.


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