A Lovely Orange Sunset – hmm, do we have any oranges left? They’d be tasty…

Photo #352: Orange SunsetLocation Taken: Agewa Bay, Ontario
Time Taken: June 2010

I’m trying to shift my meal schedule around. I’ve long had the habit of just making one large meal a day, maybe two. Cooking takes long enough that well, if I can get all my calories in one meal, why shouldn’t I? But that pattern tends to trigger some of the body’s starvation-mitigation cycles that slow down the metabolism, which is part of why I’m eating a thousand calories a day fewer than what the nutritionists say I should be burning each day just to maintain my weight, which I am, alas, doing just fine at maintaining.

So I’m shrinking each meal but bumping it up to three meals a day. So far the shrinking it down part is actually going pretty well.

The bumping the number of meals up part, on the other hand…

You’d think that’d be the easy one. Smaller meal mean you’re hungry sooner which means you remember to eat, right? Yeah, not so much. I’m still struggling against my established routines, and keep putting off eating for a bit too long.

Which gets me a bit headachy and woozy, which leads to me posting easy (but pretty) pictures on this blog. Especially when I’ve lost track of time because of daylight savings time and realize I only have an hour to get this up, and well, if I go eat before I write this, I won’t get it done in time.

Yes, it takes me (on average) an hour per meal. That’s because I cook from scratch and eat slowly. My meals usually take at least half an hour to prepare. Even when they’re smaller than before.

Hmmm… shall I make Chicken Noodle soup or something else tonight? I’ve got the noodles and the vegetables, not sure about the chicken…


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