Shall We Paint With All The Colors of The… Peacock?

Photo #356: Peacock ColorsLocation Taken: Frankfort, Michigan
Time Taken: May 2008

Now, this isn’t the best photo of a peacock I’ve seen, or even that I’ve taken. But it IS the best one I have for showing just how magnificent the colors on these birds actually are.

I mean, just look at that iridescent sheen on the tail feathers! And that brilliant white against the magnificent dark blue!

It’s no wonder these birds became prized possessions of royalty and other people through the ages.

This one is a pet, by the way. Or at least solidly tame. He was hanging out in the greenhouse at the garden store my Grandma buys from. The peacock was just sitting calmly up in the upper beams, largely ignoring the people picking out plants below him. Or that odd person pulling out a camera to take a few photos of him.

The light’s not the best, all flat and white. But then, it was a cloudy day AND we were inside a greenhouse covered in translucent white plastic. There was no chance of directional light for this shot, not one bit.

But this fine fellow doesn’t need good lighting to strut his stuff. Or, well, to casually look away from the people paying attention to him, I guess.


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