Well, it’s Large, Green, and obviously a fruit…

Photo #358: Large FruitLocation Taken: Garfield Conservatory, Chicago, Illinois
Time Taken: April 2008

I don’t know what tree this is, or what the fruit tastes like, or if it’s even edible.

But it’s an impressive size, isn’t it?

It was at least six inches across, if I’m remembering right. And it’s obviously tropical, with those massive leaves on the plant. They’re made for places with lots of sun and no frost.

I do wonder what causes all the scars on the fruit, though. There aren’t any animals or even bugs to damage it, since it’s an indoor plant in a large, well-cared for, conservatory. And it seems odd that it would gain those scars in the normal growing patterns, but well, I don’t know what the plant is, so I don’t know what’s normal for it.

Sometimes I wish that I knew more botany…


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