Maybe I should draw more abominations of nature. They’re fun!

Photo #366: CatsharkTime Drawn: April 2010

I rarely do commissions. I don’t care for the back-and-forth of figuring out what exactly the person wants. It’s far too social for me, and my creativity gets lost somewhere in the middle of the process.

So I only make art for people who give me lots of wiggle room and who aren’t expecting any specific thing. Which basically means my parents, but hey…

In this case, one of my Dad’s coworkers was retiring and he wanted to give her a present. So he asked me to paint something involving two of her favorite things, cats and scuba diving. Or something like that, it’s been a while.

And well, this is what popped into my head.

That’s still the best scuba-mouse I’ve ever drawn.

Though I wish my blue paints scanned better. The colors got shifted a little when I digitized the image, and you can really see the brush marks in the water now…


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