Awesome Anemones

Photo #378: Awesome AnemonesLocation Taken: Seattle Aquarium, Seattle, Washington
Time Taken: June 2008

So, how are you today, I’m an anemone!

No, not an enemy, an anemone!

What, you’re an anemone too?! That’s awesome! I’m green and have wriggly bits and no eyes!

You too?! That’s awesome.

Don’t look now (hah! That’s funny because we have no eyes!), but there’s a yellow anemone right next to you.

Did you know the Green Lantern (you know, from the comic books) had his powers not work on yellow things! Isn’t that such an odd choice!? What’s more, his power originally didn’t work on wood of all things!

I mean, what self-respecting show would have an all powerful gizmo not work on WOOD!?!

What? Doctor Who does that too?


Ok, everything about the Doctor is awesome, so I’m declaring the wood thing the most awesome idea ever.

Sometimes I wish I had eyes, so I could go see all the awesome geeky places here in Seattle. I fit right in there, despite being all green and tentacle-y.

Or is that a plus? I think green and tentacle-y are pretty common in a lot of good Science Fiction…


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