I Dream of Nicer Days, Far Far Away… I mean, it’s snowing in Nebraska right now!

Photo #383: City DaffodilsLocation Taken: Chicago, Illinois
Time Taken: April 2008

Well, Spring is most definitely here, the flowers are blooming, and the temperature is soaring!

It was in the 80’s today, and sunny. One of those quintessential “nice days”!

I, of course, was miserable.

I melt in temperatures above 70. By that I don’t mean literal melting (that’s reserved for when it gets above 100), but a general feeling like my brain isn’t working at all and my energy reserves are showing empty. Not really pleasant at all. I don’t think I ever want to visit Florida in the summer, or any of the other beach hotspots for that matter. Give me nice cold northern waters instead.

I also hate sunny days. I’m fairly sure I’m somewhat allergic to sunlight. My skin constantly tingles when exposed to it, and not a good tingle. And if I’m out in it without protection for too long, I get headaches and the general lethargy I associate with my allergic reactions.

Put the heat and the increased chance for sun together, and that’s why Spring is my second least favorite season. Summer is my least favorite, as you probably guessed. I’m just a puddle from June to August.

Oh, and air conditioning doesn’t really help. For some reason AC makes me feel a bit icky, almost like I want to break out in a sweat despite the cooler temperatures. It doesn’t help that I get somewhat adjusted to the cooler temperatures while I’m in AC and the heat just hits me that much harder when I go outside.

Really what I need to do is move to a nicer climate, one with lots of rain and storms and clouds and cold. Doesn’t that just sound wonderful?!


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