What, no, I’m not staring at YOU! I’m, um, staring at the thing next to you, sure!

Photo #386: Staring CatLocation Taken: Savage, Maryland
Time Taken: August 2010

Do you ever feel… watched?

I don’t. Not even when I am being watched. I’m too oblivious for that.

But at least I am good at spotting things, so despite never getting that watched feeling, I usually spot anything watching me. Especially animals. I’m really good at spotting animals.

Though it seems to mostly be cats and hawks and the occasional deer I spot. And I suppose there’s all the smaller birds and squirrels too, but those are common enough anyone can spot them. And bugs, I see a lot of bugs. Not too many other creatures live around here, so that’s a pretty good rate then.

I have seen the occasional moose when in Canada, and some elk, and coyotes and foxes and the like. Even seen the occasional fox around here, now that I think about it.

Maybe if I went outside more I’d see more animals. But outside is the land of the burning day orb, and I dare not enter its domain too frequently. And well, it’s tough to spot animals in the dark.

Well, except for bats. There’s some bats living down by the local river, and you can hear them flying if you go down there at night. I’ve only done that once, though.


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