The True Bridge, the False Bridge, the Dead Bridge…

Photo #391: Bridge After BridgeLocation Taken: Niagara Falls, New York
Time Taken: December 2009

So, how many bridges does one river need?

One, two, three, four, five?

I’ve seen places with far too many and places with far too few.

But this is the only I’ve seen with both at once.

Only one of these bridges can you drive across, you see. The others are for other things.

The close one is the one to cross, but it takes a long time. It’s the border between countries, so you must stop and declare who and why you are there.

The second closest no one can cross. Its days of use have ended, but its death has not yet come.

Past that is its twin, taking over the job of the undead bridge. Train after train crosses here, bearing people and items, but mostly items.

Beyond that is a bridge that does not cross. It merely lifts a small road above the twin bridges.

And even closer than you can see was another bridge, only going halfway. It is a footbridge, to a tall tower for viewing the falls behind us. I stood near it, and looked beyond.

Five bridges, perhaps, but only two truly cross. Too much, too few, and so it goes.


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