Location Taken: Chicago, Illinois Time Taken: April 2008 Well, Spring is most definitely here, the flowers are blooming, and the temperature is soaring! It was in the 80’s today, and sunny. One of those quintessential “nice days”! I, of course, … Continue reading
Monthly Archives: April 2013
Location Taken: North side of Lake Superior in Ontario Time Taken: June 2010 Step one of not dying in the wilderness: don’t run off any cliffs! I know, it seems pretty simple really, but people do it all the time! … Continue reading
Location Taken: Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming Time Taken: October 2012 You ever have a day when you’re just irritable for no good reason? I get them every so often, and today was one of them. It’s an odd feeling, something … Continue reading
Time Drawn: September 2007 Yay dramatic lighting! Yay guns drawn with barely any reference! Yay poorly done foreshortening! Ok, that last one is an art term, maybe I should describe it. And for that matter, “reference” refers to looking up … Continue reading
Location Taken: Multnomah Falls, Oregon Time Taken: June 2008 When water falls, it does not have a smooth ride to the bottom, at least not on Earth. There’s rocks and trees and whatnot in the way, yes, but most of … Continue reading