Location Taken: Seattle Aquarium, Seattle, Washington Time Taken: June 2008 So, how are you today, I’m an anemone! No, not an enemy, an anemone! What, you’re an anemone too?! That’s awesome! I’m green and have wriggly bits and no eyes! … Continue reading
Monthly Archives: April 2013
Location Taken: Readfield, Wisconsin Time Taken: June 2012 I don’t know what plant this is, and the focus settled at a rather poor spot, but darn it, it’s still pretty! Multicolor flowers are always nice, after all. Even ones that … Continue reading
Location Taken: Gros Morne National Park, Newfoundland, Canada Time Taken: July 2012 I tried millet today. It’s a small yellow grain, nice and round. Tastes something like quinoa, but without the bitter overtones that make me not care for that … Continue reading
Location Taken: National Museum of the Native American, Washington DC Time Taken: October 2008 Look into the circle. Look. Looooook. Is it looking back at you yet? No? Keep looking! +2 … Continue reading
Location Taken: Agewa Bay, Ontario, Canada Time Taken: June 2010 *plays Super Adventure Box obsessively* *boing boing boing* Wait, what, blog? I have a blog? Fine, fine, here, have a sunset picture! It’s pretty and the like, yadda yadda yadda. … Continue reading