Greens and Blues and Pinks and Purples and Whites and…

Photo #413: Brilliant ColorsLocation Taken: Garfield Park Conservatory, Chicago, Illinois
Time Taken: April 2008

I’ve got a small addiction to highly saturated colors in my art. Which is odd, since I actually prefer more muted colors in other people’s art. But when it comes time for me to color away, I always reach for the powerful colors first. At least my preferred mediums let me go back in and tone the colors down in one way or another so it gets closer to what I actually wanted.

Still, when I run across a photo with deep colors, like the brilliant greens and blues and pinks of this one, it just makes some part of me squeal in glee at the colors.

It’s always odd to have just one small part of you be ecstatic, while the rest is far more ambivalent. Leads to an odd disconnect.

At least in this case the photo itself is pretty enough that the parts of me that prefer the gentler colors can still appreciate it.


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