A Barren Land of Possibilities

Photo #417: Faithful BarrensLocation Taken: Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming
Time Taken: October 2012

My internet was out all yesterday. We’d had a power outage from a major storm that passed through around 11 pm Friday and when the power came back on, the internet did not. I’d say it was fixed now, but I’m actually writing this on Saturday since I’m going to post this via the library’s internet, and they’re closed on Sunday. I think. I’m not taking the chance, at least. There’s a technician who’s supposed to have come by and fixed it before this post goes live, but still, definite time for pre-writing.

Besides, I’ve been stuck trying to figure out what in the world to do with my time.

I mean, what the heck DID people do before the internet consumed our lives?

At first glance it looks like an empty set of possibilities, as barren as a field of grass in October (yay segues to the photo!).

But as the day goes on, I’m finding things to do. I’ve done some reading. I installed a 10-year old game on my computer and played around in that. I’ve fiddled with some art. I pestered my parents and did some laundry. I petted my dogs. I played a tabletop role-playing game over at the local game store. I hit the library to update this blog and find some books and dvds. I even did some embroidery.

So really, there’s a lot hidden out there for me to do. Just like this field, which hides the reservoir for the Old Faithful geyser underneath it. It just takes some waiting and contemplating to notice the hidden depths.

Doesn’t mean I wasn’t twitching about the lack of internet all day long, though.


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